Diamond is the hardest known natural material (third-hardest known material after aggregated diamond nanorods and ultrahard fullerite), whose hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelery. Diamonds are specifically renowned as a material with superlative physical qualities — they make excellent abrasives because they can be scratched only by other diamonds, Borazon, ultrahard fullerite, or aggregated diamond nanorods, which also means they hold a polish extremely well and retain luster. About 130 million carats (26,000 kg) are mined annually, with a total value of nearly USD $9 billion.About 100,000 kg are synthesized annually.
The name “diamond” derives from the ancient Greek adamas (αδάμας; “invincible”). They have been treasured as gemstones since their use as religious icons in India at least 2,500 years ago— and usage in drill bits and engraving tools also dates to early human history.
Popularity of diamonds has risen since the 19th century because of increased supply, improved cutting and polishing techniques, growth in the world economy, and innovative and successful advertising campaigns. They are commonly judged by the “four Cs”: carat, clarity, color, and cut.
Roughly 49% of diamonds originate from central and southern Africa, although significant sources of the mineral have been discovered in Canada, India, Russia, Brazil, and Australia. They are mined from kimberlite and lamproite volcanic pipes, which brought to the surface the diamond crystals from deep in the Earth where the high pressure and temperature enables the formation of the crystals. The mining and distribution of natural diamonds are subjects of frequent controversy such as with concerns over the sale of conflict diamonds by African paramilitary groups. There are also allegations that the De Beers Group misuses its dominance in the industry to control supply and manipulate price via monopolistic practices, although in recent years the company's market share has dropped to below 50%.
Diamonds are crystals composed of pure carbon. In nature, diamond crystallizes from hot carbon-rich fluids. This crystallization requires tremendous heat and pressure—1000 to 1200°C (1800 to 2200°F) of heat and 50 kilobars of pressure. (One bar is based on the pressure the atmosphere exerts at sea level, about 1.02 kg per sq cm, or 14.7 lb per sq in; 50 kilobars is 50,000 bars.) The pressures and temperatures at which natural diamond forms only occur deep underground. Scientists believe that diamonds form at depths greater than 150 km (93 mi), and there is evidence that some diamonds formed as deep as 670 km (420 mi) beneath Earth’s surface.
Concentrations of diamonds great enough to be economically feasible for mining are usually found in Earth’s oldest continental regions, called cratons. Cratons form the cores of most continents and consist of inactive geological areas more than 2 billion years old with thick crust and deep roots extending into the mantle beneath. Craton conditions are ideal for diamond formation and preservation. Scientists have determined the ages of some diamonds by dating mineral impurities trapped within the diamonds. These data reveal that most cratonic diamonds are ancient, some older than 3 billion years.
Much younger volcanic rocks—kimberlites and lamproites—pass through the cratonic rocks in a liquid form called magma during their rapid ascent to Earth’s surface. These flowing veins of rock act as carriers of diamonds and other rock fragments. After eruption they solidify, forming funnel-shaped kimberlite “pipes.” These pipes are primary diamond deposits. Many diamonds are recovered at a distance from their primary deposits in secondary alluvial deposits, which are loose eroded materials left behind by flowing water. In some instances diamonds are also found in sandstones, conglomerates, and other sedimentary rocks that presumably solidified from former alluvial deposits. Wind and glaciers can also transport diamonds from their point of origin at Earth’s surface.
Small, generally low quality diamonds form in rocks at shallower depths under pressure conditions that are higher than usual for those depths. Tectonic movement, rather than magma, transports these diamonds to Earth’s surface. Deposits of this type occur in areas such as Kazakhstan and typically involve the collision of a continental and an oceanic plate followed by rapid uplift of deeply buried rocks. Diamond deposits brought to the surface by tectonic movement are generally younger than kimberlitic diamonds, and typically consist of microdiamonds (less than 1 mm across) or graphite relics of larger diamonds.
Diamonds are also found in meteorites and near meteorite craters on Earth’s surface. Extremely small diamonds (nanodiamonds) occur in many types of meteorites and have a lower density than other diamonds. Meteorites can also produce pressure and heat at the moment of impact sufficient to transform carbon into diamond. Diamond found in a type of meteorite called ureilite is thought to form directly from graphite contained in the meteorites upon impact. Impact-crater diamonds are opaque and range from very small to around a centimeter in diameter.
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